1. The maximum amount of stock that may be issued according to the corporation’s charter is referred to as the?

Correct! Wrong!

2. Company receives more application than shares issued in?

Correct! Wrong!

3. Ordinary shares are also called?

Correct! Wrong!

4. If a share of Rs. 10 is issued at 10% premium, then issue price of share will be?

Correct! Wrong!

5. How many legal basic documents of a public company are?

Correct! Wrong!

6. The shares of a public limited company generally?

Correct! Wrong!

7. The sum of the par value of the shares of a company is called?

Correct! Wrong!

8. Discount on issue of shares is a?

Correct! Wrong!

9. The face value of a share is also known as?

Correct! Wrong!

10. Shared offered to general public for contribution are called?

Correct! Wrong!