1. Assignment Title is “Essay on Accounting or Finance Topic“.
2. Assignment length should be within 1000-1100 recommended word limit.
3. Assignment content should be search and type from Books. No Copy Paste from Internet.
4. Soft Copy provides through LMS before or on due date.(
5. The first page must clearly specify the Registration Number and name of student. Do not include inappropriate clip art or similar design on the front cover as this may detract from your academic work.
6. Assignments must be typed, using 1.5 line spacing on one side of white A4 paper. Please use font ‘Times New Roman’ with font size 10 and regular font style. Margins should be 1.5 left, 1 right, 1 top and 1 bottom.
7. Pages should be numbered accordingly. The page number is inserted in number format and centered at the bottom of the page.
8. Think about breaking the assignment into several steps. For example, sub-topics of main topic, examples, explanation, definition etc.
9. Please staple assignments at the top left hand corner. No need for plastic slipcover.
10. Submit one Hard Copy of the assignment within due date. Assignments will be return with comments.
11. Plagiarism limit is 5-15% similiaity index based on Turnition.
12. Reference should be reported at the end of assignment.
13. No Spin or language change.